Kusetshenziswa ummbila osezingeni eliphakeme njengento eluhlaza, ama-molecule ama-oligopepdes atholakala ngokugaya okuhlosiwe okuhlosiwe kanye nobuchwepheshe obuthile bokuhlukaniswa obuncane be-peptide. Umkhiqizo unokwakhiwa okuhle kwe-Amino Acid, kusebenza ngokushesha, futhi kugxiliwe ngokuphelele.
I-Corn Oligopeptides isetshenziselwa ukwehlisa umfutho wegazi, ibheke phezulu futhi ivikele isibindi, ithuthukise ukungavikeleki, futhi ithuthukise ikhono lokuzivocavoca. I-Corn Peptudes inemisebenzi ehlukahlukene yebhayoloji, efana ne-antioxidant, antihypensive, i-imzimba yokuvimbela, ukukhathala, nokuvikelwa kwesibindi.
Ama-corn ama-poptides acebile e-Alanine naseBucine. By increasing the concentration of alanine and leucine in the blood, ethanol dehydrogenase is produced to decompose ethanol, increasing the activity of liver ethanol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, promoting the decomposition and metabolism of ethanol in the body, reducing the concentration of ethanol in the blood, and achieving the effect of sobering up.
Igama lomkhiqizo | I-Corn Peride |
Ukubonakala | I-Flient Yellow to Wlul-Soluble Powder ophuzi |
Umthombo Wezinto Ezibonakalayo | Ukolweni |
Okuqukethwe kwamaphrotheni | > 90% |
Okuqukethwe kwe-Peptpide | > 80% |
Inqubo yezobuchwepheshe | I-Ensymatic hydrolysis |
Isisindo molecular | <2000dal |
Ukufaka ndawonye | I-10kg / Aluminium Foil Bag, noma njengeMfunenga Yekhasimende |
OEM / ODM | -Mukelekile |
Isitifiketi | I-FDA; GMP; ISO; I-HACCP; FSSC njll |
Ukubeka | Gcina endaweni epholile neyomile, gwema ukukhanya kwelanga okuqondile |
I-peptide yingxenye lapho ama-amino acid axhumeke khona ngamaketanga we-peptide ngokusebenzisa ukugcwala. Ngokuvamile, akukho ngaphezu kwama-50 amino acid axhunyiwe. I-peptide iyi-polymer efana ne-chain yama-amino acid.
Ama-amino acid angama-molecule amancane kakhulu namaprotheni angama-molecule amakhulu kunawo wonke. Amaketanga amaningi we-peptide aqoqa amazinga amaningi okwenza i-molecule yamaprotheni.
Ama-peptides ayizinto eziphikisayo ezibandakanya emisebenzini ehlukahlukene yamaselula ezintweni eziphilayo. Ama-peptides anemisebenzi eyingqayizivele yomzimba nemiphumela yokunakekelwa kwezempilo kwezempilo amaprotheni okuqala nama-monomeric amino acid angenawo, futhi abe nemisebenzi kathathu yokudla okunempilo, ukunakekelwa kwempilo nokwelashwa.
Ama-poptides amancane ama-molecule adonswa ngumzimba ngesimo sawo esiphelele. Ngemuva kokudonswa kwe-duodenum, ama-poptides angena ngokuqondile ukujikeleza kwegazi.
(1) Ushukela wegazi ophansi, umfutho wegazi ophansi, i-lipid yegazi ephansi
(2) Sober phezulu
(3) Ukuvikela isibindi
(4) Ukukhathala okulwa nokuzivocavoca umzimba
(5) Thuthukisa ukungasebenzi kahle
(1) Ukudla okunempilo
(2) Umkhiqizo Wezempilo
(3) Okuphakelayo
(4) Izimonyo
Ilungele abantu abanezinto eziphansi, izimo ze-postoperative, ukuhlala kuze kube sekwephuzile, ukuphuza utshwala nokuvikela isibindi, njll.
Ukucaciswa kwe-corn peptide powder
(Ukulibanisa i-Taiai Peptide Bioengineering Technology Co, Ltd)
Igama lomkhiqizo: I-corn peptide powder
Batch NO .. 20230925-1
Usuku Lokukhiqiza: 20230925
Ukuba semthethweni: 2years
Isitoreji: Gcina endaweni epholile neyomile, gwema ukukhanya kwelanga okuqondile
Umphumela wokucaciswa kwento |
Isisindo se-Molecular: / <2000daltonOkuqukethwe kwamaphrotheni ≥80%> 90% Okuqukethwe kwe-Peptide ≥70%> 80% Ukubukeka okumhlophe ku-Floint Yellow Water-Soluble Powder evumelana nayo Iphunga isimilo esivumelanayo Nambitha isimilo esivumelanayo Umswakama (g / 100g) ≤7% 4.86% Ash ≤8% 2.1% I-PB ≤0.2mg / kg Negative Ingqikithi yeBacterial Count ≤1000cFU / g <10cFU / g I-Yeast ≤25cFU / g <10 cfu / g Isikhunta ≤25cFU / g <10 cfu / g Coliforms ≤100cFU / g <10cFU / g Staphylococcus aureus ≤100cFU / g <10cFU / g Salmonella nettive nettive |
Ukusatshalaliswa kwesisindo molecular:
Imiphumela yokuhlola | |||
Into yendaba | Ukusatshalaliswa kwesisindo se-Peptide Molecular
| ||
Umphumela Uhla lwe-Molecular Weight I-1000-2000 500-1000 I-180-500 <180 |
Amaphesenti Emva Kwendawo (%, λ220nm) 10.34 22.28 49.40 12.01 |
Isisindo se-Molecular esiphakathi kwesilinganiso 1329 I-660 305 109 |
Isisindo esimaphakathi isisindo 1378 I-682 323 119 |